Isn’t it the church’s job to weigh in on important social issues? You’re not opposed to the bishops making statements on issues like immigration, are you?
One possible response to this would be to observe that in the past, when the clerical leadership of the church has shared its insights on important social issues such as racism and immigrant rights, it has done so in order to reduce discrimination and expand the circle of acceptance and inclusion. That’s not happening in the case of marriage equality, and this is a betrayal of the Catholic way of being in the world a way that should always be seeking to discern and celebrate God in the lives and experiences of all. Like all Christians, the bishops should be standing for the principles of justice, compassion, equality, and inclusion. When it comes to gay people, gay lives, and gay relationships they’ve chosen not to embody in their words and actions these Gospel principles.
NEXT CHALLENGE: The Bible condemns homosexuality and same-sex relationships. click here »
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